Inverted Image is a free one-task application that makes any of your digital photographs look as if it was reflected in some mirror-like surface. Instead of just swaping the original image for an inverted version of it, it makes a copy of your photograph, inverts and rotates it, and finally appends it to the original image. As a default, the new image will be placed underneath the original, thus producing a true mirror effect that resembles an object and its reflection in the water. However, the program does allow you to change the location of the reflected image (up, left, or right), thus producing four different compositions.
You can make some adjustments to the reflected image regarding its size and level of transparency. Besides, Inverted Image offers two additional effects – a basic color editor (to apply a grayscale or a black & white effect), and a “Wave” feature, that slightly warps the reflected image to resemble the wavy surface of water.
The new image that the program can save for you - in any of the more than twenty formats supported - is a composition made with both the input image and its reflection, in the exact position you selected.